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Added the idea of animal traps



Mar 17, 2024

App Name: the idea of animal traps

Traps or traps are tools, or humans, animals, pests, or games. Traps can be physical objects, such as cats or snares, and metaphorical concepts. Examples of physical pitfalls are: * Animal traps, usually to get fur or wild animal meat * Mine, with harmless humans or animals * Punch stick * Trou de loup * […]
Traps or traps are tools, or humans, animals, pests, or games. Traps can be physical objects, such as cats or snares, and metaphorical concepts.
Examples of physical pitfalls are:
* Animal traps, usually to get fur or wild animal meat
* Mine, with harmless humans or animals
* Punch stick
* Trou de loup
* Funnel traps, funnels commonly used to trap birds
* Insect trapper
* Human trapper
* Mousetrap
* Trapping doors, door openings (often hidden) on the floor or ceiling
* Trap land, golf bunkers

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